Since June 29, we can honestly say that "married life," in all of its joys and trials, has been wonderfully sanctifying, hilarious, humbling, mystifying, nerdy, adventurous, and the most amazing "best-friendship" we have ever known! We still have much to learn, of course, and by God's grace he will continue to grow us closer to Him and to each other--teaching us how to love & serve one another better!
At the end of July, beginning of August, we traveled to San Miguel, Guatemala with a small team from our church to learn more about what God is doing in the lives our our church family there. We met local missionaries who have dedicated their lives to living and serving there, learning the native Achi language and working with the people of San Miguel to translate the New Testament into Achi. We shared meals together, listened to and gave testimony, met and prayed
Back in the 505...
When "real life" had to set back in after a couple of whirlwind months of major back to back events such as graduation, moving, planning and having our wedding, honeymooning and taking the Guatemala trip, we finally settled into life in Albuquerque at home together. Caitelen started a new job and Greg got to work on finishing his masters degree. He scheduled one entire week writing his 100 page thesis on Reforming Ministry to Youth in the Postmodern Context. Whew! Caitelen utilized a bit of her degree in English to proofread the paper and thus gain some insight into her husbands hard work, studies, and philosophical ponderings.
More World Traveling...
In October, Greg and a few men from our church ventured to Southern Spain and Morocco for two weeks to scope out future missions opportunities there. It was our first time apart from each other! Time difference and the busy agenda of the trip made for conversations that were brief, few, and very guarded (sometimes in "code" to conceal the nature of their trip), but we talked whenever we could, and prayed for each other when we couldn't talk . The guys made successful contact with several working missionaries in Spain and covertly ventured into Morocco, not knowing any of the languages and knowing that in Morocco it is illegal to be a Christian, to convert to Christianity, or to convert others. There, they met with with some missionaries and "underground" Christians also. Greg and the guys came home with many questions answered, and still many new ones raised. But the call to pursue opportunities for future mission work out there is clear and we will both be in prayer as to our possible future role in that exciting opportunity!
Greg and Caitelen in "The Worlds Largets Underpants"
...why not...
Caitelen......why not...
Since the fall, Caitelen has sought opportunities to work and serve in the world and the church, working for a while as a wedding coordinator, teaching music lessons, serving in the women's ministry at church, helping lead worship, serving with Greg in ministry to youth, enjoying her adorable niece and nephew, writing whenever she can, and praying about future vocational opportunities.
Having finished his masters, Greg has begun to pray about continuing on to get a PHD in Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics. He continues the exciting and challenging work at our church as a Minister to Youth and Parents. He, along with those in leadership here, have sought to turn the vision of "youth ministry" into one that calls parents (who are the "primary pastoral contacts" in the lives of their children), to really lead out in ministry. They long to see that a segregated "youth service" would cease to be, and that in its place families would attend the main service together and youth and family gatherings on Sunday would be more of an interactive class in which they learn, grow and serve together. Greg spends time investing in the lives of students as often as he can and continues to employ his "skate ministry" method whenever possible as well.
Borrowing from cousin Genny's portfolio...the beautiful
Sandia Mountains are dusted with snow this season...
We are both preparing to make our own personal trip to Spain and Morocco for two weeks, leaving the day after Christmas. We will spend most of our time in Granada, Spain and will then be staying with friends in Northern Morocco for a few days in January. Although this trip is primarily for our vacation, we do intend, by God's grace, to continue a bit of the work started on the scout trip in October. We hope to at least meet with some of the people Greg and the guys met, build those relationships, seek ways to serve while there, and continue in conversation about mission opportunities.
Prayer Requests
God is so good! We have much to be thankful for and yet much to be in prayer about as well. Here are a few things we would love you to pray for!
*Pray for our safe travels in Spain and Morocco. For health and opportunities to learn and serve while we're there.
* Pray for our brothers and sisters in San Miguel, Guatemala. Specifically for Hector, Irma, Carol and Roderigo, and the ministries there.
* Pray for our church here and the "Parent Student Ministry" we serve in. Pray that the Lord would show us how to impart this new "vision" to our students and families. Pray for us as we discern how to best serve in this ministry and that God would raise up more parents and young adults who are eager to help lead.
*Pray for us as we both consider future opportunities--for Greg, in the possibility of continued education, for Caitelen, vocational calling, and for both of us, in marriage and ministry together wherever the Lord leads us.
Tim & Cynthia Schneeberger. Caitelen's new wonderful family-in-law!